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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Are Wireless Internet or Satellite Internet Providers For You?

Even though it may be hard for some to believe, not everyone has the ability to access high speed internet as of yet. Those who live in remote areas or country settings are still in the dark, so to speak, when it comes to high speed internet and cannot opt for DSL or Cable internet. Therefore, they have to go with a different route. For some this may mean cruising through satellite internet providers and for others this may mean opting for wireless internet, which one is for you?

Well, first, you need to know what the difference between the two is. Satellite internet providers offer semi high speed internet via a satellite, much like those used for satellite cable. There are no cable systems or telephone lines to speak of, but instead a dish is used to communicate the data from your computer to a central point. When we say that satellite internet providers offer semi high speed internet, this is because it is nowhere near the speed of cable and in some cases, it is still slower than DSL, but faster than dial up.

Wireless internet requires nothing more than a wireless internet card enabled on your computer. However, in a country setting, depending on where the wireless point is, you may not have this option either. Wireless internet uses something like microwave signals to communication between a variety of points. This means that you can connect to the internet wirelessly, without cables, without, cords, and without hassles.

Which one is for you?

Well, for the most part it depends on where you live. If you in an extremely remote area, you may only have the option of choosing from satellite internet providers. You would really need to search on the internet and see what is available in your area. You may be lucky and have both wireless internet and satellite internet providers in your area and have the ability to choose.

It is important to remember that both rely on the weather in terms of signal strength. The strength of the internet signal can drop dramatically in inclement weather. Furthermore, satellite internet providers tend to charge much higher fees than any of their counterparts, which includes wireless internet providers as well. Make sure you look at all of your options, as well as your budget before you choose which one is for you.

Terry Price is a regular contributor to, is an informational website for bargain minded consumers of satellite service providers, laptops, wireless service providers and trojan horse removal programs.


Switching To A New ISP Provider

Let's say you signed up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) when you were still fairly new to all this internet stuff. As time moved on, you started to realize that they aren't delivering on all of the promises they made in the beginning. For whatever reason, their service isn't what you want. Or worse, what if your ISP just closes suddenly leaving you without a host at all.

I know how stressful it can be on the surface, but relax and know that you aren't the first customer to be put in this sort of predicament. It happens every day to hundreds, even thousands of end users. They survived it, and with the right contingency plan, so can you. Switching to a new ISP / web hosting provider isn't nearly as scary or involved as you might think.

Probably the single most important thing that you need to understand and implement RIGHT NOW is the backup. Backing up your data ensures that no matter what happens to your website or the data on your web server space, you always have a current up-to-date copy of your files available to you in the event of an emergency and believe me when I say that emergencies happen. Servers go down and lose information, ISPs close leaving you stranded. ALWAYS have a backup plan!

With your backup in hand and your recent bad experience with your current ISP, start researching with your newfound knowledge in the forefront of your mind. Now you know the right questions to ask.

What are your bandwidth needs and what package does the ISP offer to fit them? Depending on where you are, DSL, Cable modems and Digital Broadband are all possibilies. The major benefit to these options is that they can generally use existing phone lines or cable lines. A word of caution on DSL though; Your connection speed can vary depending on your distance from the local source, so be sure to ask where the nearest source is to you and how it might affect your connectivity and speed.

The two major parts of an ISP service are the phyical network connection (the parts) and the network connection (the part that gives you the ability to surf the internet or send and receive email). Your ISP probably uses a Wide Area Network (WAN) to provide connectivity services to its clients. The largest WAN is the internet itself. You want to look for an ISP with a reliable WAN and high uptime percentage.

Finally, talk to your potential ISP to get concrete answers about their customer service capabilities. Ask for client references and make sure - before you have a problem - that your Internet Service Provider is going to respond to issues quickly and to your satisfaction.

Click Here For More Information
